Contact & Directions

Palo Alto Hills Golf & Country Club
3000 Alexis Drive
Palo Alto, CA 94304

Phone: 650-917-5100
Fax: (650) 948-9532


Utilizing Highway 101
Coming From Either Direction

  1. Take 101 to Oregon Expressway and head West.

  2. The Oregon Expressway turns into Page Mill Road at El Camino Real.

  3. Continue on Page Mill Road (heading West).

  4. Pass under Highway 280 and continue for 1.5 miles.

  5. Turn right on Alexis Drive (identified by a large sign that reads “Palo Alto Hills’) and continue up the hill. The entrance to the Club will be on the right.

Utilizing Highway 280
Coming From Either Direction

  1. Exit at Page Mill Road, head West.

  2. Stay on Page Mill Road for 1.5 miles.

  3. Turn right on Alexis Drive (identified by a large sign that reads “Palo Alto Hills”) and continue up the hill. The entrance to the Club will be on the right.

Surrounding Map Area:

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